
Posts Tagged ‘Marta Sánchez’

Marta Sánchez, Miss Sánchez

In Music on 24/05/2010 at 18:44
Marta Sánchez, Miss Sánchez

Marta Sánchez, Miss Sánchez

Marta Sánchez, Miss Sánchez

After a longer recording silence, Marta Sánchez returns with the obvious intention of conquering the dance floor with some well-chosen tracks like the first single Superstar including a sample of Depéche Mode´s Just Can’t Get Enough, much in the manner of Madonna’s  recent hit Hung Up or both duets on the album, one with omnipresent Alaska Si me Cambian Los Recuerdos and one cover of Embrujada together with deceased 80’s singer Tino Casal.